Are you someone that likes to tackle a project but needs to know what it involves? Here are 4 steps to allow you to install sod yourself.
STEP 1. How to Measure?
Measuring your area can seem to be difficult since each area is not a perfect size. The following instructions contain the information you will need to measure your yard correctly. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call.
Square or Rectangle:
To figure the area of a square or rectangle, measure the Length & Width
and multiply. Length x Width = Area EXAMPLE: 12 x 24 = 288 sq. ft.
Right Triangle
A right triangle has one 90 degree corner. To figure the are of a right triangle, mutiply the two sides that create the right angle and divide by 2.
Length x Width / 2 = Area EXAMPLE: 12 x 24 / 2 = 144 sq. ft.
Circle (including 1/2 and 1/4 circle)
To figure the area of a circle, take the radius times the radius, then mutiply by 3.14. Radius is a straight line from the center of a circle to the outside of the circle.
(Radius x Radius) x 3.14 = Area EXAMPLE: 6 x 6= 36 x 3.14= 113 sq. ft.
Half Circle divide by 2 EXAMPLE: 6 x 6= 36 x 3.14 = 113 / 2 = 56.5 sq.ft.
Quarter Circle divide by 4 EXAMPLE: 6 x 6= 36 x 3.14 = 113 / 4 = 28.35 sq.ft.
STEP 2. Getting the Ground Ready
Remove all weeds, debris and any rocks that are in the area. The best way to remove all vegetation is to rent a sod cutter which will allow you get all of the old lawn and some of the older root system.
Level the exposed soil by using rakes. If the soil is uneven, consider backfilling in the low areas to make sure you have a level area. Use a garden rake to grade soil. Comb out any rocks clods and debris. Try to grade soil about one inch lower than concrete driveways, sidewalks and landscape edgeing so that the installed sod will be flush.

STEP 3. Installing Sod
Begin laying your sod along a straigt line, sidewalk, curbing and /or driveway. When laying sod, it's like laying brick, you're staggering the seams. Begin by laying out one row of sod, before starting the second row, cut the first slab of sod in half, then lay out that row. When beginning laying the third row, leave the first slab of sod whole, then lay out that row. When laying your sod, it's important to make sure the sod seams are close together, otherwise you'll create gaps. When sod is all laid out, lightly water (larger areas, you'll need to water intermittently), then go over newly laid sod with lawn roller, this removes air pockets, between sod and soil, allowing the sod to root in faster, which in turn, makes the sod healthier and stronger, establishes a stronger root system.
Avoid leaving small strips at outer edges as they will not retain moisture. On slopes, place the sod across the slope. This will keep heavy rainfall run off from cutting trenches between the seams of the sod.

STEP 4. Water
Water your new sod right away. Water your sod three times daily until it takes root. Shorter, more frequent daily watering is more efficient than one long soaking. Don’t be afraid to occasionally pull up a corner of the sod to inspect how roots are coming along. The first two weeks after your sod is installed is it recommened that you keep off this area and allow the rooting system to take hold. Click Here for our Water tips!